The golf club, a landmark of the Oaks development, is surrounded by the forest and a man-made landscape, providing a contemporary overlook of the settlement. The idea of preserving its original character came to us during our first visit when we discovered period wall decor emerging from beneath layers of paint.

Inspiration from nature is endless and always open to new interpretations.

The glass theme permeates the entire property, serving various purposes. Lighting fixtures throughout the estate reference oak leaves. The bar composition imitates the arrangement of glass rods in the manufacturing process and, in the attic, recreates the effect of light passing through gaps in the roof structure.
In the past, the space directly beneath the roof remained unoccupied, resulting in a lack of intentional design. Older roofs had gaps that let natural light filter in, creating a mysterious atmosphere. The meeting rooms beneath the roof dare to reimagine the aesthetics of an old garret, providing a spacious ambiance through a combination of underlit glass tiles and wooden planks.
Attic space.

In collaboration with: Chapman Taylor s.r.o.
Client: Non-Disclosed
Design: 2020
Realization: 2022